Sunday 27 December 2020

What Happened The Night Everying Fell Apart?

In this cold dark night, a brooding row of dark twisted trees lay ahead of the wide twisting path that snaked ahead of them. The pitch-black sky had covered the abandoned world like a shadow creeping through the night. The howling had started again, making us jump, and scramble together tumbling and tripping over the contorted fallen branches that had laid on the broken abandoned path. Our quiet footsteps could be heard through the silence, which covered us like a thick warm blanket on a cold winters night. I could feel the fog creeping through, like the last September night when the storm was just beginning, entombing us like prisoners in a dungeon. But this time it was more than that, more than a storm brewing. It was something else, something big. What lay ahead of us was uncertain and we dreaded the next few hours.

Finally, after hours of hiking through the cold night, we had found a secluded part of the woods which was kept hidden by a corpse of old oak trees. The site was adequate. It wasn\"t brilliant. The thick vegetation surrounded us leaving us open and vulnerable to stealthy attacks, but it was somewhere we could rest for the night. We decided build camp for the night, it was a few minutes until we had finished setting up, but once we had we had sat around the camp, gazing up at the stars, telling tales of what we might find past the remote spot. Everything happens for a reason; there\"s a reason we came here, a reason why this place is empty. I was the first to wake, the first to see the array of colours painted in the sky by the rising sun. I noticed the morning chill, my hands started to turn white, and my feet were beginning to turn numb, becoming colder the more I watched the radiant display in front of me. I decided it was time to start collecting firewood. I wandered deep into the forest, collecting suitably dry branches as I went, hearing the quiet mumbles from the camp, indicating that everyone has woken up. The quiet humming of the nightjar brought comradeship as it lingered behind, on this futile endless trek. The small feathered creature had white markings on its wings and a tail that looked almost silver drifting and gliding through the night. The creature had small, round eyes that were black as coal. The birds had started their morning cry, wakening all the wildlife of the forest.

The path seemed a lot longer, the deeper I went inside the woods. It was also becoming harder to see as the sky disappeared leaving behind this dark and grey. In the middle of the sky lay a star, a glowing white star that guided me further on this journey. The morning light peaked through the crevices of the haunted-looking trees. I carried on whit my walk; all it had become was darker and darker. The trees were beginning to look different around here; they were wider, more twisted and had grown the size of a tower. Broken branches lay on the path, tripping me, every step I took. As I walked I became increasingly aware of the large swarm of insects. Two seemed to be particularly numerous; one was orange that looked a bit like a scorpion. The other was red and like a spider, but both looked poisonous and very deadly.

Then I saw it, a thing, a monster, a beast, a creature, it had a black demon-like figure with blood-red eyes. It just stood there, not moving, just stood watching. It hovered in the dark and misty woods spotting me standing desolate. It came storming towards me before I could even run, it was in front of me. it suddenly turned and stared into my eyes with a menacing look on its face. it had a foul Cheshire cat grin, that sent shivers down my spine, as it opened its large jaw, showing off his razor-sharp blood-stained fangs. it was a creature of great height, about five times the size of me, daunting to look at but somewhat an interesting sight. quickly while the beast was distracted by the nightjar I started to run back the way I had come, back through the abandoned trail. My only companion, the nightjar that helped me to escape, came gliding once again through the opening of the darkness of the trees, helping me find safety, a place to hide away from the beast.

Hiding behind the tall twisted trees, silently panting, not wanting to be heard, I was left to my own thoughts, and my own stupidity which brought me thoughts of death and despair as I tried to keep hidden to find the safety of the camp. This had left me in a state of panic of not knowing what was out there. Suddenly I heard a loud rumbling roar that insinuating that the beast was on the move. Hearing loud booming sounds, of its steps, just a few centimetres away had me shaking to the core. The footsteps became louder and louder and closer and closer indicating the beat was finally here. I stayed silent, not moving an inch from where I was crouched on the ground, from hiding. I waited five prolonged minutes before the beast began to move away, the booming footsteps becoming quieter and quieter which made it safe to emerge from the safety of the trees. Finally, I had made it back safely to the entrance of the campsite. It was silent, there were no murmurs like I thought there would be now, there was no whistling of the trees, no sounds of the wildlife. Normally everyone would be awake, talking, laughing and joking around the campfire, singing camp songs and roasting marshmallows, but this time there was no music, no crackle of a fire, nothing just the stillness of the forest. I couldn\"t hear their laughter either, nor could I smell the burning of marshmallows.

Dread crept inside me giving me butterflies. Wondering if that beast had come here before it had found me. The symbol of the black heart was on the bodies of my friends, all of them just there like their life was just drained out of them. I wondered what the heart meant, I know I\"ve seen it before but I\"m not sure from where. I looked around the camp, and noticed that the tents were not in the same place, they were on the other side of the side opposite the fire. Blood was everywhere, on the trees, on the ground, on the tents, even on the path leading up to the campsite. it looks like the beast had found already found my friends before it had started to seek me out. Today was a dark day for my world, I will not mourn, I will find a way to help those in the future because this is the first of many many disasters.

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